Free Weekly Search Engine Optimization SEO News

Wednesday 12 December 2007

Making the Most Of In-House SEO Project Delays

Ideally, you have created a Needs Assessment roadmap as the first step toward successful in-house search marketing. This is your critical-path blueprint for efficient deployment of your SEO plan. Even with a clear roadmap, in-house teams can encounter dead-ends. Most often, this happens with development resources. Having a dedicated developer available to the SEO team is highly desirable; however, not all companies can afford this luxury. As a result, IT can stand in the way of accomplishing critical-path SEO.
IT can lead a CEO down the SEO procrastination path by assigning a higher priority to any number of other projects. Usability, e-mail marketing, internal search, and shopping cart accruements, to name a few, are often competing for development time to improve overall online functionality, user experience, and revenue. Invariably, you'll have to consider a work-around for a number of SEO projects delayed by IT.
Depending on the severity of the delay, you can still keep your team busy and productive while waiting for available development time by focusing on several SEO best practices that are frequently neglected.
Keyword discovery
Keyword research is not a one time, once done project that lasts forever. Keyword use and subsequent popularity is very dynamic; therefore, it is important to discover new keyword strategies to continually achieve the best ROI.
Depending on how your site is organized, we recommend dividing your business model into its natural silos and focusing on one silo at a time. For instance, if you have a sports-related site that provides information about baseball, football, hockey, etc., start with baseball and give it a workout using your system of research and discovery. Preferably you can stay ahead by focusing on baseball during the off-season, doing the same for the other sports your site promotes.
Another good use of holdup time is to work on developing your long tail terms - those less competitive terms that come up for more specific queries. As you know, the most popular terms don't always generate the most business. For many firms, success depends on conversions from the hundreds or even thousands of referrals from the long tail.
Google console
Google Webmaster Central Console is often overlooked as a source of valuable information. You can be in the console every day looking at errors, adjusting your robots.txt file, and importing data into Excel for comparing your inclusion ratio (the number of pages indexed compared to total number of pages available). The console provides many pieces of information that can be converted into detailed tasks and analyses for discussion and prioritization by your team.
Link profile
Compliant link building requires a labyrinth of data mining and CRM. Most in-house teams simply don’t have the expertise or experience to develop this very valuable asset and often will outsource to a vendor, sometimes a non-compliant vendor who buys links. Although buying paid links under the radar can be considered a reasonable stopgap solution, it is not a solid strategy, nor is it long-term.
There are many different avenues for gaining quality, long-term links, and they all take time. Granted, it takes a lot of work to create direct links through extensive research and campaigning; however, we’ve seen a multitude of ranking success stories via compliant link building.
Patience is virtue
So instead of grumbling about IT delays, you can win a lot of goodwill by showing patience. This can go a long way toward developing future cooperation. Relationships are an important part of the in-house challenge. To quote Yahoo!'s in-house evangelist Jessica Bowman, "...for the in-house specialist, 80 percent of the time is spent selling search marketing to the rest of the team; 20 percent actually doing SEM.” It's an uphill trek, so patience is virtue and wins the day.
It makes total sense to consider the above valuable SEO tasks when faced with a lack of IT development resources. The team's time will be well-spent in terms of improving future revenue and ROI. You might also bring in qualified outside help as needed to build out the assets in support of your team's endeavors. Don’t discount in-house training as an option; we see huge returns on investment in SEO training for in-house teams.
Paul J. Bruemmer has provided search engine marketing expertise and in-house consulting services to prominent American businesses since 1995. As Director of Search Marketing at Red Door Interactive, he is responsible for the strategic implementation of search engine marketing activities within Red Door's Internet Presence Management (IPM) services. The In House column appears on Wednesdays at Search Engine Land.
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Friday 7 December 2007

Seo Tips: Lesson 1

Note: The information in this course could EASILY be sold for $997+, but because I'm sick and tired of scam artists ripping people of online, I've decided to make this information completely free for a limited time. You're on of the lucky few to get access to this course for free, so listen to every single word as you go through the course. If you do everything outlined in this course, I can promise you that your business will grow ten-fold because of it.

Before you begin, if you're NOT 100% serious about getting your website to the top of Google, Yahoo, and MSN, don't read another word. Close this page, grab a back of potato chips and go watch the television or something. Only read on if you plan to put everything I will be teaching you into action.

At the top of this lesson you'll notice a download link. I like giving readers this option so that you can print off each of the lessons and take notes as you go along.

Ok, now on to lesson 1...

If you're anything like I was when I first began online, you may have started online by doing the following:

You've probably created a brand new website. Then maybe even submitted that site to a few search engines and hoped that people would mysteriously show up at your site and buy whatever it is you were selling.

A couple of weeks go by and only a few stray people show up at your website. If you're one of the "smart" few, you might have even tried to "optimize" your website around your main keyword in hopes that you just might rank well in one of the millions of search engines. Another couple of weeks go by and still no luck. No visitors... and no money. What a complete waste of your time!

At this point you probably give up and decide to either build another website around a different market or just lose all hope and quit. Well, news flash, as you've probably figured out by now, that is NOT the way to go about doing things. These days you can't just create a bunch of websites and expect people to just show up at your website and buy your "stuff".

This was possible back in the late 90s and even early 2000s, but not anymore, as you've probably found out by now.

Let's go through a VERY specific example of what your very first steps MUST be when creating any website... no matter what the subject matter.

Note: As you go through this course, you'll find that I don't teach theories. I don't beat around the bush about things. I like to give specific, real life examples using both descriptions AND screenshots (pictures). I'm a visual person, so I learn best with picture examples.

If you're also a visual person, you're going to learn quite a bit in these lessons, so pay close attention.

In this example, let's create a weight loss related website. I just picked this topic at random because I do some things in the weight loss market, so it makes things easier for me to explain to you. Before we start creating and collecting content for the website, we need to do a little keyword research. This is VERY important and should not be skipped. To do our keyword research we need to, first, visit a few websites.

The first of which should be

They have a very good keyword tool, and best of all it's free!

Once we've downloaded this software, we can enter the most generic keyword for our website into the software. In our example, our keyword would be "weight loss".

You'll notice that in the screenshot below, Good Keywords will return a list of related terms. The "words" column will show us the top 100 search keywords that contain the words "weight loss".

The "count" column will show us how many times the specific keyword has been searched for in the previous month within the search engine. Generally, you can multiply that number by 8, in order to estimate the number of times that keyword has been searched within Google for the previous month.

This step is critically important because we need to know if there is a market for whatever topic we choose to sell. This tool will quickly show us if people are looking for what we want to sell!

You'll notice that the keyword weight loss was searched 817,038 times during the previous month.

DO NOT start off by optimizing for the keyword "weight loss"

Why, you ask? If a keyword is searched that many times in Overture, then 100 times out of 100, the competition you will have to outrank in Google will be extremely fierce.

Not only is the competition fierce, but think about it... How targeted is the keyword "weight loss" anyway? Not very targeted at all. Someone searching for the keyword "weight loss" could very well be looking for free information on weight loss. They might be looking for the definition of weight loss. It's really hard telling. Chances are, they're not looking for anything specific about losing weight.

The keyword "weight loss" is not something you should try to take on.

As a side note, when I first started online, that was exactly what I did... and I did it very well. I ranked #2 on Google, out of over 66 million websites for the term "weight loss". I ranked #1 for many other terms like "weight loss program", "lose weight" etc. Although I was getting a TON of traffic, the product I was trying to sell was not converting very well at all... and now you know the reason why. I was targeting the WONG group of people; a keyword phrase that was way too broad...

For a brand new website, or one you're just beginning to optimize, it's better to select more specific "long tail" keyword phrases. I'll talk about this a bit later.

Let's take a quick peek at Google so I can show you exactly how many websites are competing for this keyword.

If you were to optimize your website for this keyword, you'd be competing against over 66 million other websites! I don't know about you, but that's an aweful lofty goal to start with.

By the end of this course, you will be able to eventually target super high traffic, targeted, keywords, but it's always best to start off on the keywords with less competition. Get some traffic with those keywords, and THEN as your website gets older and you build some authority in the search engines you can focus on optimizing for the larger keywords.

Ok, so back to finding which keywords we want to target.

If we scroll down, we can find some more specific keyword phrases like "weight loss story", "weight loss picture", "free weight loss plan", and "safe weight loss".

These are potential keywords we should target to begin with.

Once we have our list of 3 to 4 keywords, we need to go to Google and check out the competition to see exactly how hard it will be to optimize for the specified keyword.

Disclaimer: You'll hear a lot of people talk about how "onpage optimization", which are the things I'm going to be talking about below, aren't as important as they once were. While that is true. It IS important to look at onpage optimization factors to determine if your competition really knows what they're doing in terms of optimizing their websites.

Chance are, if they have good onpage optimization, their offpage optimization will also be good. Think of these steps as a quick and easy way to determine how competitive a market is before you jump straight into it. There's my disclaimer. If you're new to SEO and that didn't make sense, that's ok. Just ignore it. It's not important, but was said for those people that like to nit pick at every comment made :-) Moving on!

We'll begin with the keyword "weight loss story"

If we go to Google and type in the keyword "weight loss story", without quotes, you'll notice that the #1 ranked website for "weight loss story" is: (Side note: rankings can change in the search engines, so if this site is no longer ranked #1 when you view this yourself, chances are their competition has optimized their site better, and passed them up.) which is not a top level webpage, meaning it's not simply . It is a sub page off of their main homepage: weight_loss_success_story.htm

This is good news for us because, typically, if a website's subpage is ranking well in Google, we have an immediate advantage if we choose to target the same keyword with our homepage (i.e. For now, just take my word on this, as I will go into more detail why it's usually easier to rank well for your homepage than any other webpage on your website.

You'll also notice that the website has a Google Page Rank of 5.

Note: Here's a quick definition of Google Page Rank. Page Rank is Google's way of giving a specific value to how popular a website is. It is based on the number of "votes" other websites cast for another website. A "vote" is simply when another website places a link on their website that is pointing to another website. Generally, the more "votes" or links you have pointing to your website, the higher your Page Rank (PR) will be. Page Rank is one of the many factors that Google takes into account when ranking websites.

In order to see your own Google Page Rank, as well as others, you must have the Google Toolbar installed on your computer. You can get that for free here:

Moving on...

Seeing that the #1 ranked website for this keyword only has a Page Rank of 5 is pretty good news for us, because a Page Rank of 5 should be reasonable to obtain.

After you install the Google toolbar and browse through websites, you'll notice that most websites online have between a 2 and 5 Page Rank. The extremely popular, high traffic websites tend to have Page Rank's of 6 and 7. A select few will have Page Ranks of 8 and 9... and only a couple websites on the entire internet will have a Page Rank of 10. Those websites would be sites like themselves. If a website has a Page Rank of 7 or higher, it would be best to not try to outrank them.

Remember, the ONLY way to increase our website's Page Rank is by getting other websites to link to us.
* Critical: Later, I'll teach you the right way to get hundreds of links pointing to your website in a matter of several days... and I'll go into more detail about Page Rank.

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View The Source Code

Next we need to view the source code of this website by clicking "view", then "source" optoin within our web browser as shown below:

Note: Source code is simply the code that was used to create the web page. You don't need to know html, which is the progamming language used to create most websites, so don't worry. You just need to know a few things to look for when viewing the source code.

This will open up a text file for us to have a look at and see if this website is actually optimizing their "Onpage Optimization factors" for their website.

Note: There are 2 types of optimization which most highly ranked web pages contain, onpage and offpage optimization. We'll cover offpage optimization in future lessons, but for now, we're going over the onpage optimization.

Note: An eay way to check whether or not the website is using any of the tags mentioned below is to simply click the "edit" button within notepad, and then select the "find" option.

Then just enter the specific tag you're looking for. For example) In the first bullet point below, we're looking for, what's called, an h1 header tag. The specific code for this is

, so just enter

into the "find textbox" and click search. If the tag is in the source code, notepad will find it and highlight it. If it's not, it will tell you it's not found. Piece of cake.

As we view the source file from this website, we need to look for a few things, which include:

Whether or not they are using

header tags and are placing the keyword "weight loss story" within those tags. In this case, when we do a search for this tag/text, we find that they are not... AND not only are they not using the keyword "weight loss story" inside of their h1 tags, but they aren't even using

header tags at all. Another great thing for us.

Tuesday 4 December 2007

Weekly SEO News on SEO services

SEO News

Weekly news about the latest search engine changes, how to get high search engines rankings and tips and tricks for good web design and ethical search engine optimization.


Google warns against cloaking: we can detect it

In a recent blog post, Google's anti-spam engineer Matt Cutts wrote about cloaking. The blog post makes several things clear. You put your website at risk if you use cloaking.


New robots.txt commands: make sure that Google can index your site

It seems that Google is currently experimenting with new robots.txt commands. If your robots.txt file accidentally contains one of the new commands, it might be that your robots.txt file tells Google to go away.


Are you paying too much for your AdWords ads? Change it now!

Pay per click marketing can be a good addition to organic search engine optimization. However, if you do it wrong, pay per click will cost you a fortune without bringing results. If you do it right, AdWords ads will help you to make more money.


Troubleshooting: how search engines can misunderstand your web pages

This is a common problem. Your web designer has created a beautiful page with nice graphics, great content and great Flash animations. Unfortunately, it seems that search engines won't list your website no matter what you do.


Top 6 reasons why your search engine rankings have dropped

Have your rankings dropped recently? Before you do anything, you should try to find out what has caused your ranking drop.


Reciprocal links are alive and kicking

A while back there was quite a bit of scare mongering going around the SEO industry about how reciprocal links were dead. No, reciprocal links are not dead and now I have the proof.


How long does it take until a new site ranks in Google, Yahoo and MSN?

How long does it take exactly until search engines list a new site in the top 10 rankings? This test has the answers.


Are you unintentionally spamming search engines?

Are you sure that your website is free of hidden text? There are many ways to create hidden text unintentionally. Google might penalize your website for something you did not intend to do.


How to overcome Google's filter for new websites

It's easier to get high rankings on Google with older websites than it is with new websites. Why is this so and what can you do to get high rankings on Google if you have a brand new website?


The most important factor for successful SEO (hint: it's not inbound links)

If you want to get high rankings on search engines then you have to consider many different factors. There is one factor that is more important than any other ranking factors.


The perfect incoming link for high search engine rankings

It's important that you get the right kind of links if you want to get high rankings on Google. If you have 20 good incoming links then you'll get better rankings than with 100 bad incoming links. So what makes a good incoming link? There are several points that can make a link better than other links.


4 tips to increase your sales by creating a trustworthy website

Even if you have high search engine rankings, people still might not buy from you. The reason for that is that your website might not be trustworthy. Of course, you need a professional web design to create trust. However, there are a few other things that are necessary to convince your website visitors that they should do business with you.


Top 3 tips to get indexed on Google within 48 hours

If you have a new website then it takes some time until Google visits your web pages. Even if you submit your website to Google via their regular submission form, it usually takes weeks until Google visits your site. There are some things you can do so that Google indexes your web page within 48 hours and not within weeks.


The effect of unnatural linking patterns on your search engine rankings

Inbound links are one of the most important factors that Google uses to calculate the position of a website in the search results. Some years ago, it was enough to get a lot of inbound links to top Google's search results. Nowadays, it's not that easy. Google has started to detect unnatural linking patterns.


How to fake PageRank and how to find websites with faked PR

Although most professional search engine optimizers agree that the green PageRank display has little to do with the actual performance of a website in Google and other search engines, many webmasters still focus on websites with a high PageRank when it comes to link building and website promotion. The PageRank a website can be faked easily.


Search engine market shares in Europe

If you target international markets then it's important to know which search engines are used by European web surfers. Google has a large market share in the US. Astonishingly, Google's market share seems to be even bigger in Europe. Here are the numbers from Germany, France and the UK.

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